Our Lady & St. Werburgh's Catholic Primary School

Fiat Voluntas Dei - May God's will be done

Seabridge Lane, Clayton, Newcastle under Lyme, Staffordshire, ST5 4AG

(01782) 973 888

Music 2020-2021

Year 4 have been researching local music history.

Did you know that these famous people all have connections with Stoke-on-Trent?


Year 3 performed Spanish Pavane in the beautiful sunshine!

Congratulations to Ruby who has achieved a Blue Peter Music Badge for her clarinet playing!

Year 1 children watched a video of a performance by STOMP.

Then they found classroom objects to play to perform rhythmic patterns.

Year 6 children have been developing their keyboard skills

by improving fingering skills and adding bass parts.

Year 6 children have composed soundscapes about the sea.

Which do you like best and why?


Year 5 children composed a Space Rondo in response to Mars from Gustav Holst's Planet Suite.

They then spent some time exploring keyboard sounds to perform their composition using different timbres.

Which do you prefer and why?

#CanDoMusic #BBCTenPieces

Year 2 children have performed their own watery words collection by using their voices expressively and creatively.

Can you identify how they have changed their voices?

Children in Nursery and Reception celebrated Chinese New Year with musical dragon parades!

Year 5 listened to the first 8 notes of Beethoven's Symphony no.5 and decided on their own creative responses.

Here is one example.  Brilliant!

Nursery had a lovely time looking for the bear and dancing

with the Tunes for Tots: In The Forest Concert performed by the BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra.


Nursery have been learning about Divali celebrations.

They mimed to a video about Indian instruments and then

coloured in pictures of Indian instruments whilst listening to Ravi Shankar play the sitar.

Year 5 have participated in an online workshop presented by

Alex, percussion player with the BBC Symphony Orchestra. 

The children thoroughly enjoyed learning about different types of percussion

and asked Alex questions about what it is like to be a professional musician. 

They scored maximum marks in the bird call quiz! 

Thank you also to Alex for performing 'Happy Birthday' to one pupil on a flexatone!


Year 5 have responded to BBC Ten Pieces through the art of composition.

They listened to Edvard Grieg's 'In the Hall of the Mountain King'

and identified how Grieg used different musical elements to create the atmosphere of a chase.

Listen and see if you can work out how the children have combined musical elements

to compose their own chase music.

Year 2 have performed Rain using body percussion, inspired by Perpetuum Jazzile Choir.

Year 1 have composed their own version of No Place Like by Kerry Andrew, inspired by their local environment.